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“First and foremost, it involves transcending the laboriousness, mechanical nature, and numbing repetitiveness of human thought. Often, the recurring thoughts that invade a person’s ‘mind’ are acquired, external, and frequently obsolete. Yet, they continue to clutter what is called the ‘mind.’ These thoughts hinder the natural and beneficial process of ‘knowing oneself better.’ On the surface, it seems easier to stay with the thoughts we know, which make us feel secure. In reality, continuing to give energy to foreign thoughts that do not correspond to a person’s well-being needs is an excessive, exhausting, and self-serving consumption of energy. The thoughts we ‘know’ provide an illusion of inauthentic security and comfort; the person remains trapped within them, as if continually circling around themselves, like a dog trying to bite its own tail. The most hidden thoughts can be described as ‘transparent’ and are those of which the person is unaware, yet they evoke ‘soft data,’ emotions, sensations, and both pleasant and unpleasant feelings. The more a person is ‘identified’ with their thoughts, and thus ‘believes they are their thoughts,’ the more difficult it is to look beyond them and move past the vast presence of unpleasant emotions and feelings. Many of these automatic recordings are stored in the natural overall system, the Being, that constitutes a Human Being.”

Intuitive and energetic coaching, with the person’s permission, is able to connect with and communicate directly with that submerged, less familiar part that knows how to bypass redundant human thought. The submerged part does not express itself in coherent sentences or grammatically impeccable phrases; rather, it communicates with snippets or “chunks,” or “fragments” that also produce changes in the person’s facial expression, posture, and, most importantly, a variation in energetic frequency.

Likewise, intuitive and energetic coaching, always with the person’s permission, receives information useful to the client’s highest good from transcendence. This refers to the part that transcends the physical body, thoughts, and emotions. It is a broader aspect of the human being, the Soul. And not least, there is also the spiritual part, the person’s Spirit, which conveys messages to help guide the clients out of their temporary impasse.

With intuitive and energetic coaching, therefore, a more complete view of the person’s current problem is achieved. This approach considers the realm of awareness, the deeper submerged and forgotten information, as well as the loving messages from transcendence.

How is it done?
A session is scheduled in which the client brings the problem or topic that matters most to them.
The spiritual practitioner, with the client’s permission, connects to their energy and guides them into a deeper state.

During this session, the spiritual practitioner is assisted by messages from the client’s deeper self, as well as by insights made available by transcendence, and makes them understandable for the client’s highest good.

The second paragraph of Section 4 of the Italian Republic Constitution [Official Journal December 27, 1947, No. 298]:

“Every citizen has the duty, in accordance with their capability and choice, to perform an activity or function that contributes to the material or spiritual progress of society.”

I am a freelancer in the holistic field, whose profession is safeguarded and regulated by Law no. 4 January 14, 2013 regarding professions that are not organized in chambers or boards, Official Journal of the Italian Republic

Holistic services do not constitute medical or psychological treatment, nor do they replace it, they do not substitute other professionals’ services registered in chambers and/or boards. The Spiritual Practitioner does not make diagnoses, nor give therapies or medical prescriptions; or any kind of medical and/or health act and cannot – nor must not – replace a physician or health professional. Any request for information regarding the client’s health is for the practitioner’s knowledge and consideration during holistic services. Should the Spiritual Practitioner see a need for more specific, medical treatment for the person, it is his or her responsibility to direct the client to specific, specialized professionals.

Disclaimer: Spiritual, awakening spiritual awareness does not refer to any religion, organization, or belief system of any nation or people. It is the natural larger part of life, which every human being is made of.
This profession is safeguarded and regulated by Law no. 4 January 14, 2013 regarding professions that are not organized in chambers or boards, Official Journal of the Italian Republic
Member of SINAPE FelSA CISL  T-2158 Iscr. 93/1658
Member of CONFASCESA T.C0058/23
Specialized trainer AIPROF n. iscrizione 427

Human beings often remain in a state of continuous concern, restlessness, and worry due to emotionally challenging, traumatic circumstances and events, or the complexities of daily life. This condition is typically referred to as “stress.” Under stress, individuals engage in social, private, and professional relationships, make various decisions, take nourishment, and attempt to rest. This state of concern affects both subtle aspects, such as thoughts, emotions, and feelings, and the physical body, influencing overall well-being.
Stress activates the sympathetic nervous system, leading to a range of physiological responses. Some of the most commonly known effects of stress include:

  • Increased Heart Rate and Blood Pressure: The body’s “fight or flight” response triggers a rise in heart rate and blood pressure, preparing the individual for immediate action.
  • Constriction of Blood Vessels: Blood vessels in the skin and internal organs constrict, diverting blood flow to muscles and vital organs. This can impair natural functions such as digestion and rest.
  • Altered Respiration: Stress can change breathing patterns, often resulting in faster and shallower breaths.
  • Altered Elimination of Bodily Fluids: Stress can affect the body’s ability to eliminate waste products efficiently.

In addition to these physical effects, stress can lead to a range of mental and emotional symptoms:

  • Confusion and Disorientation: The constant state of alertness and concern can impair cognitive functions, leading to confusion and difficulty concentrating.
  • Irritability and Tension: The heightened state of alertness can make individuals more prone to irritability and physical tension.
  • Decreased Attention: The preoccupation with stressors can reduce the ability to focus and maintain attention on tasks.
  • Emotional Instability: Persistent stress can lead to mood swings and emotional instability, affecting personal and professional relationships.

Anti-Stress Campaign: “Grounding the Jaguar”
Understanding the impact of stress on both the mind and body is crucial for managing its effects. Recognizing the signs of stress and adopting strategies to mitigate its influence can help improve overall health and well-being.
The highlanders of the Andes impart wisdom through a metaphor: “the jaguar that has climbed to the top of the tree, must be brought back with its paws on the ground.” This metaphor emphasizes the importance of grounding oneself to regain confidence, calmness, and relaxation. Achieving this balance involves rebalancing the nervous system, specifically the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems.

Beneficial Effects of Stillness and Inner Calmness
Achieving a state of stillness and inner calmness, or staying centered, offers numerous benefits for both mental and physical health. Here are some of the effects:

  • Decreasing Heart Rate: Inner calmness helps slow the heart rate, reducing the strain on the cardiovascular system.
  • Lowering Blood Pressure: Relaxation techniques can lower blood pressure, contributing to overall heart health.
  • Slower, Deeper Breathing: A slower rhythm of breathing enhances oxygenation and nourishment of all tissues and organs, including the skin, the largest organ of the body.
  • Assisting in Elimination of Excess Body Fluids: Calmness can improve the body’s ability to regulate and eliminate excess fluids.
  • Improved Digestion: Relaxation supports efficient digestive processes, reducing issues such as bloating and indigestion.
  • Enhanced Night Rest: A calm mind promotes better sleep quality, aiding in physical and mental restoration.
  • Better Concentration and Clarity: A centered state improves cognitive functions, enhancing focus and decision-making abilities.
  • Increased Energy and Vitality: Inner calmness contributes to higher energy levels and overall vitality.
  • Widespread Well-Being: Achieving a state of calm impacts thoughts, emotions, and the physical body positively, fostering a holistic sense of well-being.
  • Increased Personal Performance and Efficiency: Calmness and balance enhance personal performance, efficiency, and productivity in various aspects of life

Practical Implementation: Grounding the Jaguar with Breathing and Touch Therapy
Objective: To provide a practical method for reducing daily stress through initial breathing exercises and hands-on spine therapy to help individuals achieve a state of calmness and balance.

Initial Breathing Practice:

  • Purpose: To help the person exhaust “daily speed” and prepare for deeper relaxation.
  • Procedure:
  • Have the person lie down comfortably on their back;
  • Guide the person through deep breathing exercises: Inhale deeply through the nose for a count of 4, Exhale slowly through the mouth for a count of 6.

Hands-On Spine Therapy:

  • Purpose: To assist in regeneration of both the subtle (thoughts and emotions) and physical planes.
  • Procedure:
  • After the initial breathing practice, the practitioner places their hands on two specific points along the person’s spine. These points can vary, but commonly used points include: The upper back (around the shoulder blades), and the lower back (around the lumbar region);
  • The practitioner maintains a gentle, steady pressure with their hands at these points. The key is to be still and present, creating a calming and supportive touch;
  • Remain in this position for 20 -30 minutes, or until the practice is completed. The person receiving the treatment should continue to focus on their breath, and in the best of cases, may fall asleep.

Duration of the Path: Implementing the Anti-Stress Practice

Objective: To provide a structured timeline for the anti-stress practice, ensuring individuals receive consistent support and gradually transition to maintaining their well-being independently.

Suggested Timeline and Frequency:

  • Initial Phase: Weekly Meetings
  • Duration: 3 weeks
  • Frequency: One meeting per week
  • Purpose: To establish a strong foundation, help the individual become familiar with the techniques, and begin experiencing the benefits.
  • Intermediate Phase: Bi-Weekly Meetings
  1. Duration: 1 month (2 sessions)
  2. Frequency: Two meetings every 15 days
  3. Purpose: To reinforce the techniques and provide ongoing support as the individual begins to integrate the practice into their daily life.
  • Maintenance Phase: Monthly Meetings
  • Duration: Ongoing, as needed
  • Frequency: One meeting per month, or whenever the person feels the need
  • Purpose: To maintain the benefits achieved, offer periodic recalibration, and provide support during particularly stressful times.

The second paragraph of Section 4 of the Italian Republic Constitution [Official Journal December 27, 1947, No. 298]:

“Every citizen has the duty, in accordance with their capability and choice, to perform an activity or function that contributes to the material or spiritual progress of society.”

I am a freelancer in the holistic field, whose profession is safeguarded and regulated by Law no. 4 January 14, 2013 regarding professions that are not organized in chambers or boards, Official Journal of the Italian Republic

Holistic services do not constitute medical or psychological treatment, nor do they replace it, they do not substitute other professionals’ services registered in chambers and/or boards. The Spiritual Practitioner does not make diagnoses, nor give therapies or medical prescriptions; or any kind of medical and/or health act and cannot – nor must not – replace a physician or health professional. Any request for information regarding the client’s health is for the practitioner’s knowledge and consideration during holistic services. Should the Spiritual Practitioner see a need for more specific, medical treatment for the person, it is his or her responsibility to direct the client to specific, specialized professionals.

Disclaimer: Spiritual, awakening spiritual awareness does not refer to any religion, organization, or belief system of any nation or people. It is the natural larger part of life, which every human being is made of.
This profession is safeguarded and regulated by Law no. 4 January 14, 2013 regarding professions that are not organized in chambers or boards, Official Journal of the Italian Republic
Member of SINAPE FelSA CISL  T-2158 Iscr. 93/1658
Member of CONFASCESA T.C0058/23
Specialized trainer AIPROF n. iscrizione 427

Munay-Ki is a term derived from the Quechua language, where “Munay” means “love” and “Ki” refers to energy. Thus, Munay-Ki can be understood as the power of love or the energy of love. It represents an invitation to view the world through the eyes of the heart and to act with love and loving intent.

For the people of the Andean highlands, a shaman is someone who maintains a harmonious relationship with both the visible and invisible realms. This perspective underscores the belief that healing occurs on subtle, energetic planes and that every unfavorable circumstance or major illness carries the potential to facilitate broader healing and transformation.

In the Andean highlands, the shaman cultivates a profound and harmonious connection with Pachamama, the great Mother Earth. This connection is characterized by an alignment with the natural rhythms and energies of the Earth, embodying a deep respect and continuous collaboration for the benefit of all beings.

The word “shaman” has a rich etymological history. It entered English from the Russian word “šaman” which is derived from the Tungus word “šamān.” This Tungus term traces back further to the Sanskrit word “śramana” meaning “monk.” The concept of a shaman typically refers to a person who mediates between the human and spiritual worlds. This etymological journey highlights the cultural and linguistic exchanges that have shaped our understanding of shamans​ (Una parola al giorno)​.

Shamanic rites indeed involve a deep connection with energy and spirituality. They can be particularly resonant for those who naturally attune to energy, whether through innate sensitivity or a developed understanding. Additionally, individuals with a strong and genuine curiosity about the mysteries of existence often find themselves drawn to shamanic practices, feeling an inner call to explore and understand more deeply. It’s this combination of affinity and curiosity that often leads people to embark on the profound journey of shamanic rites.
The word “karpay” in the Quechua language means rite or initiation.

RITE 1, the initiation of the healer, Hampe Karpay
By transforming our own inner wounds into sources of strength and compassion, we become more capable of serving others on their healing journeys. The energy transmitted during this rite connects us to a lineage of healers spanning across time, linking us to the wisdom and power of healers from the past, present, and future.

RITE 2, the bands of protection and power, Chumpi Karpay
In many spiritual traditions, including shamanic practices, there is a recognition of the vital connection between humans and the elements of nature: earth, water, fire, air, and akash (often referred to as ether or space). These elements are not only physical components of the natural world but also symbolic representations of fundamental energies and qualities within ourselves and the universe.

RITE 3, the initiation of harmony, Ayni Karpay
The journey of personal transformation often begins with letting go of the attachments to our past, freeing ourselves from the burdens of old wounds, regrets, and limitations. In doing so, we create space for new growth and possibilities, allowing ourselves to evolve and become who we are truly meant to be. Transforming fear into pure love is a powerful alchemical process that involves facing our fears with courage and compassion. Embarking on one’s epic journey is an invitation to embrace the adventure of life fully, embracing the unknown with curiosity and enthusiasm. Cultivating a broader vision involves expanding our perspective to encompass the bigger picture while still paying attention to the details. It’s about seeing the interconnectedness of all things and understanding how each part contributes to the whole. This balance allows us to navigate life with clarity and wisdom, honoring the intricacies of each moment while staying aligned with our overarching vision and purpose.

RITE 4, the initiation of the seer, Kawak Karpay
Looking and seeing through one’s heart is a profound practice that involves cultivating a deep connection with our innermost selves and the world around us. The harmonious balance between ordinary human vision and the vision of the heart allows us to see beyond surface appearances and into the essence of things. It enables us to perceive the beauty, interconnectedness, and inherent divinity in all beings and experiences.

RITE 5, the initiation of the day keeper, Pampa Mesayok Karpay
Day keepers play a vital role in nurturing and supporting the well-being of the larger community through their daily practices and intentions. By dedicating time and energy to their own altar, they create a sacred space for reflection and meditation. Addressing a thought or invocation for the greater good of the community each day is a powerful act of service. The balanced connection with feminine energy is an essential aspect of the day keeper’s practice.

RITE 6, the initiation of the wisdom keeper, Alto Mesayok Karpay
Wisdom keepers indeed possess a deep reverence for nature and its rhythms, recognizing the interconnectedness of all life and the wisdom inherent in the natural world. In the highlands of the Andes, these guardians of ancient knowledge are highly respected for their intimate relationship with the elements. Their ability to manifest rain and lightning speaks to their profound understanding of the subtle energies and forces at work in the natural world. The connection with the great guardian spirits of the mountains, known as the Apus, is central to the wisdom keepers’ spiritual practice.

RITE 7, the initiation of the earth keeper, Kurak Akuyek Karpay
Earth keepers, as stewards of the planet and its inhabitants, embody a profound connection with the cosmic forces that illuminate and sustain life. Drawing wisdom from the sun and stars, they recognize the interconnectedness of all beings and the sacredness of existence. Their beneficial influence extends beyond individual lives to the planetary level, as they work tirelessly for the well-being of all life forms: humans, animals, plants, and minerals. Despite their deep spiritual insight and cosmic perspective, earth keepers remain grounded in simplicity and humility. They understand that true wisdom lies in the ability to share their knowledge and insights in a way that is accessible and relatable to all.

RITE 8, Initiation of the New, Mosoq Karpay
It is the pursuit of transcendence, where one seeks to surpass the limitations of the human condition and connect with something greater than oneself. This idea of seeing with conscious clarity and becoming light suggests a transformation beyond physical existence, perhaps into a state of higher consciousness or spiritual enlightenment. The notion of “what is still ‘written in the stars'” is a metaphor for the vastness of the unknown and the potential for discovery and growth. It’s a poetic and profound reflection on the human journey toward understanding and fulfillment.

RITE 9, Initiation of the Creator, Taitanchis Rantis Karpay
The Creator’s rite is a deep understanding of the interconnectedness of existence and the power of conscious intention. Indeed, the recognition of causality in events suggests a belief in a purposeful universe, where actions have consequences and individuals play a role in shaping their own destiny. The contrast between unconscious and conscious manifestation highlights the importance of awareness and intentionality in our actions. By operating from a place of consciousness and love, individuals can contribute positively to the collective and participate in the co-creation of a better world. This perspective emphasizes not only the privilege of participating in the creative process but also the responsibility that comes with it—a responsibility to act with courage and love for the betterment of humanity and the planet.

RITE 10, The initiation of Women who have freed themselves from pain and suffering, Kismas Karpay
Woman celebrate the resilience and empowerment of women who have liberated themselves from pain and suffering. The metaphor of life finding gestation in a womb free from conditioning speaks to the idea of breaking free from ancestral patterns and constraints, allowing for the full expression of one’s authentic self and a pure womb for the future unborn. Moreover, the portrayal of the womb as a symbol of not just physical fertility, but also of creative potential, is powerful. It emphasizes the capacity of women to nurture not only life but also new ideas and projects, highlighting the role of femininity in innovation and growth.

How is it done?
In sessions dedicated to Munay-Ki rituals, one commences with a ceremony aimed at releasing thoughts, emotions, and states of discomfort, preparing the energy system to receive the ritual.
The process continues with the transmission of energy, which we refer to as initiation or rite.
The process proceeds with a meditation exercise aimed at integrating the rite into the individual’s energy system.
Certain initiations necessitate a preparation, which is meticulously elucidated when scheduling the rite appointment.
Following the ritual, there are exercises to be done independently at home, aimed at maintaining contact with the energy of the ritual, nurturing it, allowing it to thrive, and reinforcing the connection. The initiations are consecutive and one can choose at what pace to continue, the time between each one. At any time one can interrupt the path and it is unsuitable.

The second paragraph of Section 4 of the Italian Republic Constitution [Official Journal December 27, 1947, No. 298]:

“Every citizen has the duty, in accordance with their capability and choice, to perform an activity or function that contributes to the material or spiritual progress of society.”

I am a freelancer in the holistic field, whose profession is safeguarded and regulated by Law no. 4 January 14, 2013 regarding professions that are not organized in chambers or boards, Official Journal of the Italian Republic

Holistic services do not constitute medical or psychological treatment, nor do they replace it, they do not substitute other professionals’ services registered in chambers and/or boards. The Spiritual Practitioner does not make diagnoses, nor give therapies or medical prescriptions; or any kind of medical and/or health act and cannot – nor must not – replace a physician or health professional. Any request for information regarding the client’s health is for the practitioner’s knowledge and consideration during holistic services. Should the Spiritual Practitioner see a need for more specific, medical treatment for the person, it is his or her responsibility to direct the client to specific, specialized professionals.

Disclaimer: Spiritual, awakening spiritual awareness does not refer to any religion, organization, or belief system of any nation or people. It is the natural larger part of life, which every human being is made of.
This profession is safeguarded and regulated by Law no. 4 January 14, 2013 regarding professions that are not organized in chambers or boards, Official Journal of the Italian Republic
Member of SINAPE FelSA CISL  T-2158 Iscr. 93/1658
Member of CONFASCESA T.C0058/23
Specialized trainer AIPROF n. iscrizione 427

Listen, see, and experience
Creativity workshops for individuals, professionals, managers, executives, entrepreneurs, and work teams.
The fairy tale is listened to, seen, and experienced within one’s inner self.
Seated, wherever one is at the moment of listening.
It is experiential, meaning it allows the listener to live through a visual and emotional experience, as if it were a real event occurring in that moment.
The listener more easily recognizes their own limitations and rigidity, while at the same time discovering hidden treasures within themselves—those talents and virtues that lie dormant, patiently waiting to be uncovered.

Noble vision
The human faculty to insightfully peer into the still-fluid unfolding of life’s invisible threads and shape a vision useful for personal growth, as well as for a broader common good.
The archetype of the King fosters authoritative benevolence, which metaphorically sketches the initial outlines of a great change for the benefit of the community.
Learning about and practicing the qualities of the King provides concrete support for individuals and professionals facing complex choices, decisions, and significant responsibilities. It is also valuable for work teams, helping to clarify the roles and responsibilities of each participant, akin to a small king.
Having listened to everyone’s perspectives, the King, as a far-reaching visionary, addresses objections and opposition with gentle firmness, without being distracted or deviated from the ultimate goal.

Heart of a Hero
What one might call throwing one’s heart over obstacles.
Endowed with great resilience and generosity in action, the Hero—who lacks maps and satellite technology—embarks on his epic journey, unaware of what lies ahead but certain he can overcome obstacles and adversities to discover benefits in his favor.
Connecting with this archetype greatly aids in recovering practical creativity, developing confidence in one’s abilities, and fostering openness and willingness toward others. These are all qualities that enhance the work of cross-functional teams within a company and management teams alike. It is equally beneficial for individuals facing significant personal or professional challenges.
The heart of the hero has its reasons, which superficial reason does not understand, and it perceives what remains hidden to mediocre thinking.

Enchanted Inspiration
A gentle and sudden breeze of human and non-human presence that, with unusual magic, works in favor of miracles. Many joyous accomplishments result from the ability to undertake and complete great endeavors while allowing invisible forces and assistance to intervene—forces with which only an open heart can communicate and interact.
To perceive and welcome the enchanted presence, one must shed outdated models and stereotypes, placing trust and faith in everything that transcends the linear logic of ordinary human thought.

Transcendental inheritance
Indistinguishable under the scientist’s microscope, it flows softly through the invisible strands of human DNA. An inexhaustible source of unlimited creativity, yet within reach of those who know how to nurture the memory of their stellar root.
Where everything becomes possible, man transcends limitations and frees himself from beliefs and convictions that hinder his evolution and becoming, for his highest good and the good of the community.

How is it done?
In the creativity workshops with ancient fairy tales, the storyteller reads a fairy tale to an individual, a group of people, a professional, or a work team.
Afterwards, the storyteller goes through the fairy tale with the participant(s) to overcome moments of difficulty and discover the wisdom keys that are contained within the tales.
The storyteller invites all listeners to actively participate, asking them to share their thoughts, emotions, and reflections, and guides those present towards a renewed self-awareness of their abilities and possibilities.

The second paragraph of Section 4 of the Italian Republic Constitution [Official Journal December 27, 1947, No. 298]:

“Every citizen has the duty, in accordance with their capability and choice, to perform an activity or function that contributes to the material or spiritual progress of society.”

I am a freelancer in the holistic field, whose profession is safeguarded and regulated by Law no. 4 January 14, 2013 regarding professions that are not organized in chambers or boards, Official Journal of the Italian Republic

Holistic services do not constitute medical or psychological treatment, nor do they replace it, they do not substitute other professionals’ services registered in chambers and/or boards. The Spiritual Practitioner does not make diagnoses, nor give therapies or medical prescriptions; or any kind of medical and/or health act and cannot – nor must not – replace a physician or health professional. Any request for information regarding the client’s health is for the practitioner’s knowledge and consideration during holistic services. Should the Spiritual Practitioner see a need for more specific, medical treatment for the person, it is his or her responsibility to direct the client to specific, specialized professionals.

Disclaimer: Spiritual, awakening spiritual awareness does not refer to any religion, organization, or belief system of any nation or people. It is the natural larger part of life, which every human being is made of.
This profession is safeguarded and regulated by Law no. 4 January 14, 2013 regarding professions that are not organized in chambers or boards, Official Journal of the Italian Republic
Member of SINAPE FelSA CISL  T-2158 Iscr. 93/1658
Member of CONFASCESA T.C0058/23
Specialized trainer AIPROF n. iscrizione 427

Marina Baldo Marinatto
Spiritual Practitioner and Storyteller

Loving oneself means maintaining a deep and unwavering affection for who you are, regardless of the challenges and changes life brings