Loving oneself means maintaining a deep and unwavering affection for who you are, regardless of the challenges and changes life brings.
I offer my services in the following languages:
Italian, English, Spanish and German.
Attendance certificates:
Click here to see the certificate Authorisierte Karma -Therapeutin
Click to see the certificate MMKI Practitioner
Click to see the Storyteller and Art Therapy Certificate
I was born in Argentina to Italian parents who emigrated after World War II, in a country that soon after found itself in serious socio-political-economic conditions. After a serious illness of my father, I moved with my family to Germany, where I attended school until I obtained a technical-commercial degree and worked in the family business in the evenings.
After my father passed away, my mother and I moved to Italy, where I started my professional career. For more than 20 years I worked for three worldwide corporates in transportation, textile, and engineering industries. First in simple roles and tasks, later with increasingly more complex and larger responsibilities.
In my spare time, I attended many courses and trainings in the holistic field, which I am naturally passionate about and dedicate myself to on a daily basis.
Some of the trainings in my holistic curriculum are:
- Art therapy and Storytelling with fairy tales, training institution La Scuola italiana per Cantastorie in Udine, Italy, www.lavocedellefiabe.com
- The Autorisierte Karma-Therapeutin, training institution Bewusstseinszentrum, Germany, www.bewusstseinszentrum.de
- The Munay-Ki Practitioner, training institution The Four Winds Society Inc., www.thefourwinds.com
- Breathing in Coherence and Entering Coherence training institution The Heartmath Institute, California, USA www.heartmath.org
In 2018, I started my freelance career under the name “Spiritual Practitioner,” that includes the basic principles of many disciplines and trainings which I have participated in. The English word “practitioner” defines a person who regularly “practices” spiritual disciplines, that remains a student, and, at the same time, works as a practitioner in such field.
My philosophy in life and my mission with people who approach the services I offer is “personal sovereignty.” Personal sovereignty does not mean fighting or discrediting an existing system, judging, shouting, or believing oneself to be better. Personal sovereignty for me is staying self-centred, with a good balance between one’s inner self and everyday life. Out of this centre, the balanced person knows how to choose with awareness. The person assumes full responsibility for itself, its health, and actions. The person knows how to communicate ethically, without suffering and without hurting. Personal sovereignty is to consciously think and to feel differently, to communicate and act differently, to break out of “default” patterns and set off toward a life of careful choices for oneself and for the broader common good.
The second paragraph of Section 4 of the Italian Republic Constitution [Official Journal December 27, 1947, No. 298]:
“Every citizen has the duty, in accordance with their capability and choice, to perform an activity or function that contributes to the material or spiritual progress of society.”
I am a freelancer in the holistic field, whose profession is safeguarded and regulated by Law no. 4 January 14, 2013 regarding professions that are not organized in chambers or boards, Official Journal of the Italian Republic https://bit.ly/3KGy92Y.
Holistic services do not constitute medical or psychological treatment, nor do they replace it, they do not substitute other professionals’ services registered in chambers and/or boards. The Spiritual Practitioner does not make diagnoses, nor give therapies or medical prescriptions; or any kind of medical and/or health act and cannot – nor must not – replace a physician or health professional. Any request for information regarding the client’s health is for the practitioner’s knowledge and consideration during holistic services. Should the Spiritual Practitioner see a need for more specific, medical treatment for the person, it is his or her responsibility to direct the client to specific, specialized professionals.
Disclaimer: Spiritual, awakening spiritual awareness does not refer to any religion, organization, or belief system of any nation or people. It is the natural larger part of life, which every human being is made of.

Marina Baldo Marinatto
Spiritual Practitioner and Storyteller
Loving oneself means maintaining a deep and unwavering affection for who you are, regardless of the challenges and changes life brings